Permaculture also known as permanent culture is a self-sustaining agricultural method, where agricultural systems are designed in such a way that does not require much external human intervention. It is a kind of balanced land restoration system which doesn’t need any exterior modifications. It uses animal wastes to feed its crops.
To know everything about Permaculture, the best way is to study the Permaculture course Australia. This course is divided into seven chapters. The brief about its chapters is as mentioned below:
  1. In the first chapter, you will learn about sustainable living, its concept and its need for people.
  2. In the second chapter, you will learn in detail about Permaculture, its concept, and its complete process from the origin to its practicing procedures.
  3. In the third chapter, you will learn about the three ethics of Permaculture. These are: care of the earth, care of people and accepting limits consumption and population.
  4. In this chapter, you will learn about the seven principles of Permaculture. These seven principles are: stacking function, reciprocity, diversity, conservation, repeating functions, appropriate scale, and giving away the surplus.
  5. The fifth chapter is about how to apply the above-mentioned ethics and principles. And also you will learn about: (a) concept of site characteristics, (b) concept of zones, (c) three-step process for the purpose of designing and redesigning the site, (d) concept of how to design a sector, (e) concept of needs and yields.
  6. The sixth lesson will make you learn about some useful and effective techniques for designing and implementing a design for a site. It teaches you how to look for nine areas while implementing a site design and the strategies and techniques required in each of these areas.
  7. In the last lesson of Permaculture, you will learn about the list of Permaculture demonstration, information about the design and design apprentice certificate, list of related websites, books and articles for more information.


Various Permaculture schools are developed today in the country. These schools have different kinds of courses available ranging from short-term courses to long-term courses. But the point is how to choose the right school. Well, the best and the foremost way are to ask the previous students of those schools. If these students are speaking good then the school and its teachers must be good.
Do not go with the shiny brochures and the marketing strategies of the schools. A good school may not be good in marketing but can provide great knowledge and a better experience to you. Search for the teachers having international experience in Permaculture.

Now you can learn Permaculture Australia   very easily. Various institutes provide the facility to learn online Permaculture course in a very convenient way. Permaculturecourseonline.com is a website that provides Permaculture education online very easily and conveniently. Noosa Forest Retreat is a leading company providing Permaculture education online at very economical and affordable fees. For more details about the course, contact us through our official website permaculturecourseonline.com. We have internationally recognized certification with the latest knowledge.


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